Assisted Stretching for Powerlifters

If you’re a powerlifter looking to maximize your performance in the gym and on the platform, assisted stretching can be an invaluable part of your training regimen. It’s a form of physical therapy that involves an individual being stretched by a practitioner. The practitioner uses their hands or special equipment to gently stretch the individual’s muscles. 

Benefits of Assisted Stretching 

Increased Range of Motion 

Assisted stretching can increase your range of motion, which may enable you to lift heavier weights with less risk of injury. The increased flexibility provided by assisted stretching can also help to alleviate pain or discomfort in tight or strained muscles. This can allow you to perform more efficiently when lifting weights. 

Improved Posture 

Poor posture can negatively affect your performance in the gym, especially in powerlifting activities like squats and deadlifts. By increasing mobility through stretching, you can maintain better form while lifting, leading to improved performance and fewer injuries over time. 

Faster Recovery Time

Assisted stretching may help increase blood flow throughout your body, providing faster recovery after intense weightlifting sessions. The increased flexibility gained from regularly doing assisted stretches may help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue following workouts. 

Reduced Risk of Injury 

Assisted stretching can help reduce tension in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, which makes them more resistant to injury during heavy lifts or explosive movements like Olympic lifts or plyometrics. An improved range of motion can reduce joint stress while performing dynamic exercises such as jumping squats or burpees.                                

Improved Mental Clarity & Focus

Assisted stretching can improve mental clarity and focus during workouts or competitions. Focusing on proper form and technique rather than worrying about potential injuries can let you concentrate on what matters most—getting stronger. 

Stretching Techniques 

IT Band Stretch 

Start by lying face down on an exercise mat or soft surface with legs extended straight behind you. Cross one ankle over the opposite thigh, so it rests above the knee joint. Have your partner grip around both ankles and gently pull upwards until you feel a stretch in the glutes. 

Hip Flexor Stretch 

Start by lying flat on your back with one knee bent and the other extended straight in front of you. Then bring the bent knee toward your chest as far as possible without feeling pain or discomfort. Have your partner apply gentle pressure on the bent knee until you feel a stretch in the hip flexors (the muscles in front of the hip). 

Gluteal Stretch 

Begin by lying on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross one ankle over the opposite thigh, so it rests above the knee joint. Have your partner grip around both ankles and gently pull upwards until you feel a stretch in your glutes.  

Ankle Release

Ankle release targets tight calves and ankles, which can become stiff from squatting or running exercises commonly performed by powerlifters. Stand opposite your partner with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Have them hold onto your leg just below the knee while you gently press against their grip as they resist. 

Shoulder Mobility Stretch 

This stretch is usually performed using an elastic band or a handheld weight such as a dumbbell. Start by standing upright with arms extended outwards at shoulder level. Then rotate them in circles forward and backward. Have your partner lightly touch each arm throughout this motion for added stability. 

Reap the Benefits of Assisted Stretching 

Assisted stretching can be a helpful way to improve your performance as a powerlifter. It can help to increase your range of motion, improve your flexibility, and reduce your risk of injury. There are many different stretching exercises that you can do. Find the ones that work best for you. If you’re unsure where to start, talk to a stretch specialist to create a stretching routine that meets your needs.

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